Sunday, October 5, 2008

October 5, 2008

Review of Yesterday & Today's Workouts: I need another day to recover. I could have worked out this morning before church, but I am sore from yesterday and I did not want to force myself out of bed to workout if I didn't feel up to it. I don't want to burn out.... I want to look forward to exercising, so forcing myself would not be a good idea. Eating was good yesterday, oops, forgot to add that I had a few drinks last night, too. Workout was awesome, I really feel it today, and I think that after taking today off I will be READY to go tomorrow :-) I am excited since I have several new workouts I wanna try!

1 banana, 1 apple, 1/2 bagel with chive and onion cream cheese

1 pita pizza with chicken, cherry tomatoes, olive tomato sauce, sprinkled with parmesan/mozzarella cheese

went to small group... we grilled. 1 cheeseburger, 1 hot dog, one skinny piece of cheesecake, some M&M's...YES, I am going to work it off tomorrow, lol :-) I did say NO to the following: tater tots, nachos with queso dip, Doritos, cookies, and regular soda (I drank water). GO ME!!!

Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich, one 1/2 cup serving banana cream pudding *SFFF*

drinking it

Daily Vitamins:

Nightly Vitamins:

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