Monday, October 13, 2008

Changing Blog Name + New Workout list!!

I have decided to take the words "weight loss" out of my blog's title. I don't want to lose "weight". I want to lose FAT. If I wanted the former, could just chop off a few limbs, or dehydrate myself for a few days like wrestlers do to make weight. I don't want to be about weight anymore. I am not going to weigh myself for a long time. I am going to hide the scale and work on building muscle--muscle that will drive fat out. The more I exercise my heart and strength-train my muscles, the better form my body will take on. It will have to adapt sooner or later. Slow and steady wins the race...and I'm sick of just "losing".

In other news, I have added a list of workouts I am currently using on the lower right hand side of the site. I tried them all before I bought them and they are all awesome!! It's so hard to decide which one to do everyday. It's great to have a variety. I still try new ones from Netflix, but these are my core program. Each DVD has sooo much you can do with it to make a custom workout.

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