Haven't written in a few days...but I've still been thinking.
A journey with the Lord can be compared on so many levels to a journey to get in shape. When you commit yourself to Jesus, it's not just for 30 days, six weeks, or as a New Year's resolution. It's for life. People, myself included, set similar fitness goals for themselves. We hear statements of intent like this: "For the next three months, I am going to exercise four days a week so I can lose 30 lbs and look good for the family reunion." ... we fall into the promises of women's magazines that you can look good in a bikini in 30 days. "Five weeks to your best body!" ...
I'm sorry, I hate to burst the bubble here, but it takes WAY longer than five weeks to look good in a bikini. WAY longer. It's a growth process and it takes commitment and consistency. And from a logical standpoint, it doesn't even make sense to exercise for 30 days and then just stop. Over time, you'll gain back the weight you lost and lose muscle you gained. IT TAKES HARD WORK TO GET IN EXCELLENT PHYSICAL SHAPE AND STAY THAT WAY. No dinking around for ten minutes on the treadmill (although it's a start) and expecting to drop major pounds.
The same applies to our walk with Christ. Just like you can't work out for 30 days, stop, and expect the weight to stay off and the muscle to stay on, you can't just occasionally wade into the Word, or do a set of sprints and expect long-term growth. Sure, it's a start, and its important to realize that a lot of the "Get fit in 30 days" gimmicks are actually designed to get you into the habit of exercising for life, not so you get it done and over with.
Over time, consistency wins. If we are consistent in our walk and relationship with the Lord, we will grow! Likewise, if we are consistent in our fitness endeavors, we will increase our fitness level. But watch out! What happens if we work out the same way every day--the same amount of weight, the same speed, the same distance-- and don't ever challenge ourselves? No progress either, right? We just stay the same. The same can happen if we aren't consistently being challenged in our relationship with God...When we increase the amount of resistance on our muscles while weight training, our muscle fibers literally shred, unravel, and rip apart from one another. When the muscles heal, though, they are stronger than before. Likewise, in your walk with Him, allow God and His Word to rip apart your old self, unravel your heart, and make you stronger in your faith. Instead of wading cautiously into the Word, DIVE into it and let it change you.
As stagnant water in the heat of summer invites mold to grow and mosquitoes to breed, so invites the stagnant heart sin to plant its seed; the stagnant body disease.
Today's Workouts: Women's Health total workout in 10 (all 5 segments: 50 minutes) with 8 and 5 lb weights
Breakfast: one banana before workout, after workout leftover spinach onion kugel from yesterday
Lunch: 2 slices healthy french toast (no, really!) + some chex mix dessert i made... packed up the rest, not allowed to have any for a while!!!
Dinner: rest of the Kugel ...
Dessert/snacks: 1 serving of the chex mix (i know, i know)
Water: good
Daily Vitamins: check
Nightly Vitamins:
A journey with the Lord can be compared on so many levels to a journey to get in shape. When you commit yourself to Jesus, it's not just for 30 days, six weeks, or as a New Year's resolution. It's for life. People, myself included, set similar fitness goals for themselves. We hear statements of intent like this: "For the next three months, I am going to exercise four days a week so I can lose 30 lbs and look good for the family reunion." ... we fall into the promises of women's magazines that you can look good in a bikini in 30 days. "Five weeks to your best body!" ...
I'm sorry, I hate to burst the bubble here, but it takes WAY longer than five weeks to look good in a bikini. WAY longer. It's a growth process and it takes commitment and consistency. And from a logical standpoint, it doesn't even make sense to exercise for 30 days and then just stop. Over time, you'll gain back the weight you lost and lose muscle you gained. IT TAKES HARD WORK TO GET IN EXCELLENT PHYSICAL SHAPE AND STAY THAT WAY. No dinking around for ten minutes on the treadmill (although it's a start) and expecting to drop major pounds.
The same applies to our walk with Christ. Just like you can't work out for 30 days, stop, and expect the weight to stay off and the muscle to stay on, you can't just occasionally wade into the Word, or do a set of sprints and expect long-term growth. Sure, it's a start, and its important to realize that a lot of the "Get fit in 30 days" gimmicks are actually designed to get you into the habit of exercising for life, not so you get it done and over with.
Over time, consistency wins. If we are consistent in our walk and relationship with the Lord, we will grow! Likewise, if we are consistent in our fitness endeavors, we will increase our fitness level. But watch out! What happens if we work out the same way every day--the same amount of weight, the same speed, the same distance-- and don't ever challenge ourselves? No progress either, right? We just stay the same. The same can happen if we aren't consistently being challenged in our relationship with God...When we increase the amount of resistance on our muscles while weight training, our muscle fibers literally shred, unravel, and rip apart from one another. When the muscles heal, though, they are stronger than before. Likewise, in your walk with Him, allow God and His Word to rip apart your old self, unravel your heart, and make you stronger in your faith. Instead of wading cautiously into the Word, DIVE into it and let it change you.
As stagnant water in the heat of summer invites mold to grow and mosquitoes to breed, so invites the stagnant heart sin to plant its seed; the stagnant body disease.
Today's Workouts: Women's Health total workout in 10 (all 5 segments: 50 minutes) with 8 and 5 lb weights
Breakfast: one banana before workout, after workout leftover spinach onion kugel from yesterday
Lunch: 2 slices healthy french toast (no, really!) + some chex mix dessert i made... packed up the rest, not allowed to have any for a while!!!
Dinner: rest of the Kugel ...
Dessert/snacks: 1 serving of the chex mix (i know, i know)
Water: good
Daily Vitamins: check
Nightly Vitamins:
1 comment:
I really enjoyed this! thank you for writing. I needed the encouragement!
I love you!
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