Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Its been a while, mates

Well here's an update... haven't written in a while, and a lot has changed since the last time I wrote!!

I started my last semester at UCF... taking two electives online and one on Thursday afternoons on the main campus...

I moved out of Mom and Dad's house... now I live with two girls that I know from dancing, Lacy and Jenn.

I got a full-time job as an administrative assistant at a court reporting firm downtown... i love it!! So i've been getting up super early every morning! My coworkers are great, the work is exciting, and no day is ever the same. I come home without feeling like i've worked at all!

Still dancing a lot!

The fitness ministry at River Run Christian Church has been expanding; we are now offering Zumba classes 1-2 times monthly, which we have all been enjoying immensely! The next one is this monday night at 8pm.

I lost the five or six pounds I put on over the summer while traveling -- and I can see my abs again!! I havent been exercising near as much as I was a year ago, when I was really working to get weight off, but I have been staying very busy and since I have to cook for myself now, I generally don't eat as much. I've been cooking a lot, as well, lots of new recipes. I've even made chana masala and a few other curry dishes, and also Käsespätzle... which is a traditional Swabian (German) dish. soo good!

I haven't eaten any animals since July 18, 2009 on the airplane to San Francisco from Sydney. I feel a lot healthier and believe that removing animal protein from my diet and replacing it with plant proteins helps me stay lean.

Well that's it for now...

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