i worked out only twice this whole week and let me tell ya, I'm feelin it. It's been quite a wacky and somewhat terrible, draining week. my whole schedule's been muddled. planning a nice long sweaty headache-inducing workout for tomorrow... well, scratch the headache part-- i've had a headache for three days straight!
last week I received an email about some internships on my university email account... i decided to send in my resume, even though I'm going to Australia for a month this summer. I applied for one at Comcast networks on Friday... and on Monday i got a phone call to schedule an interview! And that interview was this morning at 10am (hence no workout, unless I got up at like 5am, which I used to do, but now I stay up late, which I shouldn't do, but do anyway, grrr)
Aaanyway, the internship is actually at a channel owned by Comcast -- The Golf Channel! I wasn't aware of this till I got there, though, and even though the job description said it was in Research Park... its not, lol... it's out by Universal off Sand Lake! BUT there is good news... they were really impressed with my resume and I should hear back the middle of next week if I'm selected. The month-in-Australia thing didn't bother them a bit, that's a good sign... anyway its $12/hr and 24 hours (three days) a week. I do look at it as a win-win situation, though... although I'd be happy if I got the internship, because that would mean extra money and some great experience in my field of study, i'd also be happy if I didn't get it, because that means more free time to do whatever I want :-D like Skype with Australians! whoohoo!
i've learned a lot about anxiety this year so far. I forgot about my list of goals already... hmm
Anyway I used to make all these plans, right? I wrote about them here, I talked about them a lot.......and then God said, "nevermind"...... and i'm left in what seems like a cloud of dust as the entire rug was swiped out from under me. what's up with that? i realized I plan too far ahead. I realized I worry too much. I realized I was forgetting who is in control. I realized I wasn't God.
in 1 Peter it says, "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." (5:6-8)
I really identify with these verses... now, at least ... it reminds me of so many things...
1. not being too proud of my own accomplishments
2. God's hand is mighty!
3. He will lift me up! -- but here's the kicker -- he's gonna do that "in DUE time"! -- which isn't necessarily my time.
4. I am anxious
5. I should cast ALL -- not some -- of that anxiety on Him
6. God cares for me
7. Be self-controlled and alert, lol... couldn't summarize that any simpler
8. the enemy is real ...
9. and he's LOOKING...
for people like me, lol... so I gotta be on the lookout. Hmm, funny, this morning in my devotional something caught my eye, too... "The enemy is content to let us profess Christianity as long as we don't practice it" ... its a big trap to avoid.
Hmm.. exams ... I took two this week and finished up a portfolio and next week I have two more, and then, folks, i'm technically done with school... the degree and minor part, at least. Still short a couple credits, though, so I'm sticking around for the fall to go 1/2 - 3/4 time, depending on what kind of work I have...
Only 59 days left til I go to Australia. I need to brush up on my accent :-) I recently realized that I'd be gone longer than I previously thought... four weeks instead of three. I really can't wait to go see Lea!!!!
Random fact... there was no new episode of Lost last night, SAD!!!
Random fact... pigs cannot look upwards... their necks don't bend that way.
random quote... "God gave us music that we might pray without words"
random picture... or not so random... its a pic of me in Gdansk, Poland... where I was one year ago today.
Well i love you guys :-) i'm going to go eat something. can't seem to keep myself satiated these days.......
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