Sunday, March 29, 2009

sometimes there are no words

i don't really know what to write... i just know that I want to write... something... meaningful? absurd? both?

sometimes there are no words. i for some reason chose silence for the last four weeks.

sometimes there are no words, but someone's listening anyway.

God is not a human. Thank God :-) recently i've realized that i have a "bad habit" of equating God's nature with human nature... so when I do something stupid (and most of you know that i'm prone to that... cough) i have a tendency to assume that God feels the same way about me as I feel about myself... that He thinks i'm a failure or an idiot or that I'll never "get it"...

this, though, i think is part of this lifelong journey i somehow got sucked into at the age of fourteen... this journey of pursuit of the real God. who is He really? what can I give Him? does He need me? why do I need Him? how come its so hard to hold on? how could I EVER have thought this would be easy? and sometimes... really, sometimes... I think to myself, what was I thinking? I didn't sign up for this... pfff actually CARING about others and myself? actually trying to do the right thing? resisting temptation? Nobody told me any of this. I could generalize and say that all 14 year olds are idiots. . . . . . but sometimes I think its just me.

so here's to holding on tight for the rest of this wild ride called life. there are ups and downs and, i'm happy to say that right now, as surely as this wild wind rushes through the window and into my room, i'm on an up. one of the best ups i've experienced in a long time. the goal here , though, isn't to avoid the downs... because the next one's coming ... I wish I could go ahead and schedule it in my planner. No, its not my goal anymore to avoid the downs. not even potheads want to stay high, you know? ... my goal, instead, is to face the downs differently. look them in the face and make the choice (and it IS a choice!) to pray through them, hold on to my jesus instead of resenting Him in some way. stop blaming it on PMS. smile more. get over my self... all my worries, fears, pride...

get over myself...

to get over myself, i have to stay grounded in Him... he's real, i feel it, just like I feel that wind right now. just like i feel the sun, he's there and something compels me to open my mouth, my heart, to speak to him...even when there are no words.

1 comment:

Lea said...

The clouds make the sunset even more spectacular and there are no rainbows without rain.

yay for u finding the words in the end :)