Thursday, December 11, 2008

December 11

ODB today is about the dangers of calling yourself a Nobody as a Christian...

"There’s a downside to insisting that we are “nobody” if it is to avoid doing what God commands (Ex. 4:1-17). Our motives make us into somebody who resists the loving purposes of God. We may treat ourselves and others as having no worth. But remember, God doesn’t make nobodies. Like Moses, if we surrender to God, we can do anything God wants us to do—in His strength."

"Without God we won’t accomplish anything of lasting value."

That is soooooo true :-) looking back, everything I tried to "build" by myself eventually came toppling down... cuz I didn't build it on the rock! The Lord literally empowers us if we are in His will... anything we put our minds to, for His glory if He'll have it, God will give us all the strength we need to succeed in it.


Well yesterday I ate WAY too much I think; my mom made cookies and I had too many of those... my Danish students' mom made cookies and I ate those, plus I went out to dinner with a friend to Urban Flats and probably ate too much there, too. My tummy hurt last night. And this morning, I ate cookies for breakfast. UGH!!! Its also 8am, and I got up 15 minutes ago, after having gone to bed at 10pm... good grief. I NEED to exercise today. I need to burn off some of this crap. Not like I have anything else to do today, lol... Tutoring at 4pm, chiropractic appt, more tutoring at 7... but before that? Nothing. Might as well work my butt off :-) Literally. haha

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