Thursday, December 11, 2008

Such a tough workout deserves its own post!!

WOW I pushed myself today... this morning I was debating whether or not I had the energy to work out and I realized, OF COURSE I DO!!!!!!!!!!! I ate sooo much, way too much yesterday and I feel like crap not because I have NO energy, but because I have TOO MUCH energy...

So I worked out to Cardio Party 3, left off the weighted gloves today so I could focus on learning the moves, and I really really enjoyed it... I sweat bullets, real bullets, lol :-) After that I did the Turbo Twenty (as I like to call it :-) WITH weighted gloves, then I walked the 2 mile power walk from Walk Away Your Hips and Thighs with 1 lb hand weights...

Tomorrow, I'm going to strength train!

December 11

ODB today is about the dangers of calling yourself a Nobody as a Christian...

"There’s a downside to insisting that we are “nobody” if it is to avoid doing what God commands (Ex. 4:1-17). Our motives make us into somebody who resists the loving purposes of God. We may treat ourselves and others as having no worth. But remember, God doesn’t make nobodies. Like Moses, if we surrender to God, we can do anything God wants us to do—in His strength."

"Without God we won’t accomplish anything of lasting value."

That is soooooo true :-) looking back, everything I tried to "build" by myself eventually came toppling down... cuz I didn't build it on the rock! The Lord literally empowers us if we are in His will... anything we put our minds to, for His glory if He'll have it, God will give us all the strength we need to succeed in it.


Well yesterday I ate WAY too much I think; my mom made cookies and I had too many of those... my Danish students' mom made cookies and I ate those, plus I went out to dinner with a friend to Urban Flats and probably ate too much there, too. My tummy hurt last night. And this morning, I ate cookies for breakfast. UGH!!! Its also 8am, and I got up 15 minutes ago, after having gone to bed at 10pm... good grief. I NEED to exercise today. I need to burn off some of this crap. Not like I have anything else to do today, lol... Tutoring at 4pm, chiropractic appt, more tutoring at 7... but before that? Nothing. Might as well work my butt off :-) Literally. haha

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

December 9

Here is some food for thought today.


Well yesterday I made a chocolate cake, it was AWESOME!! Used sugar free hot cocoa mix instead of regular and it turned out just amazing; I was very surprised.

I also walked an extra mile yesterday... hopped in on the last one my dad was doing.

This morning I cranked out Punch, Kick, & Jam again, man I love that workout. After that I stretched my soooore hamstrings, did a 12 minute mile, and stretched again.

Today I gotta study for two exams... everything I do is a conscious effort to avoid studying... ya know, when you know you know enough to get a good grade, its hard to want to even bother studying, lol...

This morning I made my first ever quesadilla!! I chopped up half a chicken breast, added some salsa, mexican blend cheese, and put it on half of a tortilla and put it in a skillet... it turned out great! I ate it with fat free sour cream. Sooo yummy!

K well I better go study...

Monday, December 8, 2008

December 8 -- Thoughts on Capital Punishment

Today's ODB was about confessing sin... a story from Joshua was mentioned in which some guy had stolen some things, and God "ratted" on him to Joshua, who in turn decided to stone him and his entire family...

I used to actually be in favor of the death penalty... I thought that whoever could kill someone else should have that done right back to them... blame it on my upbringing ;-). However now, I don't see it that way...

Firstly it's a commandment of God not to kill people. Yes, the person being executed may have killed someone, but it doesn't FIX anything or make anything truly better to kill them in return. It seems just to our human minds to repay people who do harm. But the system sucks... it's not fair at all... a lot of people who kill other people "get off", according to us, with a couple of life sentences (I've never understood the point of more than one life sentence...). I don't believe God wants us to repay evil (sin) with evil (sin)...

No sin is weighted more than another in God's eyes. That's another thing we have a hard time grasping. There is also no unforgivable sin. Even if you break one, or heck, ALL of the 10 commandments, dude, that's Old Testament, and Jesus died for ALL sins, and if you [honestly] ask Him to He'll always forgive you and take you back if you screw up... yep, even if, in a fitful rage, you kill someone. The consequences of you killing someone may mean life in prison or, even worse in this country, the death penalty... and the people that administer the lethal injection or turn on Old Sparky? It still counts as killing, man... there's no way to sugar coat it.

Although to our brains, killing in exchange for killing may SEEM like a proper way to punish someone who has committed the "ultimate" sin, but I gotta think about what Jesus would do... no one is without sin, so why should we cast stones, administer lethal injections, or flip the switch? Should we do it merely because we think their sin is unforgivable and deserving of death? .... Don't we all deserve death?



I really kicked my own butt today lol... I did the cardio portion of of the Turbo Jam Kickin' Core workout, which ends right after a two minute Turbo, man it was tough. I like that workout though... I usually skip the stability ball part. After that, I did a round of Booty Sculpt... I hadn't done that in at least 10 days, I think, because I had been using the sculpt segment at the end of one of my walk DVDs for some different muscle targeting... I also used the fit cuff instead of the firm band for the thigh work on Booty Sculpt... talk about a burn! The fit cuff is way more comfortable than the stretchie and it doesn't slide, pinch, or pull on my leg. The abs part on Booty Sculpt was also on fire, man... I can tell my abs have gotten significantly stronger because I can lift my legs off of the ground on some of the moves to make them more challenging and-- because I'm using my abs to hold myself stable-- I don't fall backwards like I used to! Yay! And even though there's no crazy cardio in that workout, my heartrate was up the entire time.

Yesterday I wasn't sure if I was going to work out or not, but I got out of bed and willingly did Cardio Party Remix before church. It was great :-) I also made a bunch of skinny candied almonds, but I ate too many cuz they were so good, hence the tough workout today, lol...

Today I gotta study for my two exams tomorrow... and drink lots and lots of water. Also need to get better on my greens, those are really lacking lately.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

December 6

So, yesterday was a great day off. I actually walked an easy two miles just so I could make sure my metabolism was going. It did my body very, very well though to take it that easy :-) Sometimes I feel like when I take a day off, thats when my body has time to make its latest transformations... yesterday, for example, I not only looked at my abs and saw definition, even more than before, I also ran my hands over them and FELT the "chisel" so to speak. I haven't seen my stomach this flat in YEARS... and when it was, I didn't have sculpted abs... I've never been one to work my abs and like it, but now I'm getting to a point where I really enjoy feeling that burn... seeing my results over the last four months has been a constant reminder that the burn is my body CHANGING, and without it, it will stay the same...

OH, and, got on the scale today again, expected to see a higher number than the day before yesterday since I had taken yesterday off... and it said 131.6 !!!!!!! Better than I ever could have expected!!! That means LESS than 1 kg left (1 kg is 2.2 lb) ... I can't wait to suit up for my "after" pics when I hit 130!!

I was thinking to myself the other day, it feels good to walk around knowing you're carrying the right amount of weight for you. When I was at 148, I felt like I had to waddle. I know even 148 isn't overweight for my stature, but it wasn't my "happy weight". I can move better and faster like this and feel overall more efficient when I simply take up less space. I'm still the same person, just more compact :-)

So, to recap: since August 17, 2008, I've lost 16.4 lbs and have gone from a sometimes-tight size 8 to a comfortable size 4. Some are even too loose. I've also built tons of muscle and I have no idea what my body fat percentage is, but I don't care either, really, I just know I've put a lot on :-)

So, only 1.6 lbs til goal, then I'm posting new pics... of me and my (still really white) new bod in a bikini. Yep, I said it, a bikini. In fact, I may post all my pics from the last four months on Facebook. But I'm not going to do that until the scale says 130 lbs!


Tried Cardio Party 3 for the first time today, it was really sweaty!!! I used my weighted gloves, and I have to say its definitely the hardest Jam there is... I got confused a little bit sometimes, since this one is more dance-y than the others, but I kept going. I think CP2 is still my all-time fave, though :-) It was cool to get pushed to my max, though, wow!! It's definitely a workout I'll do again when I really wanna sweat and get my heartrate up.

Followed up with half of the firming segment from Walk Away Your Hips and Thighs, then I did a few extra exercises on my own... I didn't feel like getting on the floor today, lol ...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Review of new DVD!

Well, I did the new 5 Mile Fat Burning Walk today, WHAT A WORKOUT!!!!

There are five 12 minute miles: they all seem to start off kinda slow, but you pick up the pace quick, and before you know it, you're halfway done with the mile... then, after about 4 minutes more, you jog for two minutes, and then the miles over!!! The first and last miles are with Leslie and no one else, while the middle three miles have cast members walking. The middle mile was my favorite. I walked the whole thing with 1 lb hand weights... I might try twos next time. I cranked up the intensity big time and got my heart rate up. I think this kind of walk is a great idea when you want to get in a long, but not super intense workout...

I haven't had a day off since last Friday... so I've exercised 6 days in a row as of today... I think I should take tomorrow off... on the other hand, I REALLY REALLY want to try Cardio Party 3... maybe I will save it for Saturday, though... I really do need to study for my exams on Tuesday, lol... plus I think all the pounding has made my hip joints a teeny bit sore, so I think I'd better cool it for a day. As much as that pains me to say, I need to take a break, lol :-) Who knew I'd be this excited to work out that I'd have to look for an excuse NOT to! Ha!

December 4 -- number dropping!!

Woohoo!!! My weight is down, 132.8!! Less than 3 lbs to go till I reach goal :-)

Today I am postponing my workout until Dad gets home, because I got the new Leslie Sansone walk in the mail yesterday and I want to try it!!! Five miles in ONE hour! I'll post back with my comments!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

December 3

Well, I hope today will be the day I receive my new DVDs... I'm getting a little antsy, lol :-)

This morning was Turbo Jam Fat Blaster for 30 minutes of cardio, then 3T with the resistance bands AND 1 lb wrist weights, OUCH. What a burn. I needed some sweaty strength training, though. It was great.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December 2


Well I just got a fabulous deal on Venus razor blades online, MAN I'm a good shopper :-D I got 16 blades for $24, free shipping... doesn't get any better I don't think, unless you steal them :-D Mom said I could buy them with her credit card for Christmas :-D razor blades are something you can really always stock up on; in fact, today I think I will change my razor blade and shave my legs to celebrate.

Ummmm... today I did Cardio Party Mix 2 which has proved itself time and time again to be the most fun workout EVER. I used my weighted gloves. My back is a little bit sore from the intense punching I did yesterday, so I said no to my planned upper body strength training for today. I find that if I punch intensely during my workouts, I give my upper body a great workout as it is. After that I did the 20 minute lower body segment with resistance from one of Leslie's newest workouts... the NEWEST of which comes out today; I ordered it from Amazon for $10 along with the last Turbo DVD that I don't have yet (Cardio Party 3!!) and I should be getting both of those today, it's going to be like CHRISTMAS! Already! I am looking so forward to it! After that segment (BURN) I did 9 minutes of straight abs, ouch. They're getting ripped, though, each week I see more definition.

Today's Our Daily Bread focused on living out our God-given passions, whatever they may be, for Christ and not ourselves... the text for today came out of 1 Corinthians... some of my favorite verses!

"So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view. At one time we thought of Christ merely from a human point of view. How differently we know him now! This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" (5:16-17)

I needed that reminder. I need it every day! Each day is a new battle for me against my old self. All those little reminders of what I've done, how I used to think of people, myself, and Jesus... from a human point of view, they still haunt me.

Like in verse 16, when I stopped evaluating others from a human point of view, EVERYTHING CHANGED. That which attracted me before appears to me like flowers that have been crushed into the earth. Once beautiful to me, but not anymore. "How differently we know him now!" Boy I tell you what, it's like I took off my rose-colored glasses.

I guess its kind of like weight loss and fitness... you have to find what works for you, something you will stick to. I have found an exercise form I LOVE and look forward to, and it's keeping me strong. Likewise, to keep those wicked memories of my old life at bay, I gotta stick to what works: staying in the Word.

I try to start and end each day with it. Mornings obviously go better than evenings, but before I go to bed at night, I like to open up that nice (not dusty, for once) book and just read.

Last night I read Song of Songs. I just felt like crying about it... the love expressed in those pages is so... genuine. Mutual... the Beloved and her Lover want to be with each other so badly, so earnestly, so purely. It just really struck me. They had nothing but loving words to say to one another and they clearly considered each other to be the most beautiful and perfect creature. I feel like that is how God sees us, the most beautiful and perfect creature that ever walked the planet, he wants to be with us all the time. In my ponderings about relationships and what I should be on the lookout for, I've come to the conclusion that God could only want for us the kind of love that most closely mirrors His love for us. Therefore, my Mr. Right is someone I see through God's eyes before I see him through my own. I want to love that man like the Beloved loves her Lover in the Song of Songs. And you can bet your bottom dollar he's going to feel the same way about me.

No, this isn't asking too much. It isn't unrealistic to expect someone to think you are THE most beautiful woman on the face of the earth, inside and out. Someone is out there really gets me. Someone that is wonderful just the way God created them. How could I ever settle for anything less?

Monday, December 1, 2008

December 1

Took a week off. It did me good, I think. I was starting to feel a little resentment about blogging, I guess, so I didn't plan this short hiatus, it just sort of happened.

But I'm back now! Happy December.

I haven't decided whether I'm gonna continue writing exactly what I eat every day... I've developed a good feel for portion control and besiiiiiiiides, its the holidays, so if I want to eat cookies for dinner occasionally, it's cool, man.

This Thanksgiving was probably the best Thanksgiving ever. It's the first Thanksgiving I can remember in which I am taking care of myself, body and soul, and it feels so good to radiate this kind of energy, a kind I don't think I've had before. I guess it's a result of this big awakening and a number of major life realizations... mainly that God really does work all things for good [just in HIS timing, yo], and that God answers prayers!!!!!! There is REAL power in words we speak to God, you just have to REALLY MEAN THEM. Perhaps that was my problem before, I'd utter a string of words but not *really* expect God to act.

So there are sooo many things I'm thankful for... first of all that God woke me up. He changed my life YET AGAIN. It took a while, but it happened. I'm thankful for all the tears and heartache, all the sweat and aching muscles, too :-) I'm thankful for all of my wonderful friends here in Florida, Australia, Germany, Japan, ... and all my cyber buddies all over the world from the Walk Club! Thanks for tuning into my blogs. I'm thankful for all the relationships with people I've been able to hold on to, renew, or begin. Even for the ones I have lost, I am thankful.

I suppose I could attempt to compose more words to describe everything else I'm thankful for, but I don't think I can.

It's baffling how long it has taken me to really settle back in... but to be honest, I don't think I'm ever going to REALLY settle back in. My heart is in two places, and it's hard to be completely comfortable someplace else. I have itchy feet, and big, God-given dreams that I feel compelled to follow.


I'm also thankful for having found out about Turbo Jam, MAN I love those workouts so stinking much. I do them over and over again week after week and they never get old! Today I did Punch, Kick, & Jam and really amped up my intensity with shockingly high kicks, really fast speed bag, the whole nine yards. It was an amazing workout!!